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Art and Philosophy

Art and Philosophy Quizzes

This page lists the Art and Philosophy Quizzes from QuizArea. Every quiz is free and you can play online easily and quickly. To play a quiz you first need to select which Quiz Type you require by clicking a link immediately below this paragraph. You will then be given a list of all the Art and Philosophy Quiz Titles from which you can choose the one you want to play or print.

Multiple Choice | Anagrams | Ordered Lists | Word Searches
Wordsearch quizzes are our least demanding quiz type but we have chosen subjects that we hope you will find interesting. Ten words are hidden within a grid and you need to find them. You highlight the words by clicking and dragging your mouse across them. Correctly identified words remain highlighted and you can reveal the remaining words whenever you like. As well as playing the quizzes online you can also print a free quiz to entertain children and hopefully teach them some spelling at the same time!
Difficulty levels: Easy difficulty_easy.gif    Medium difficulty_medium.gif    Difficult difficulty_hard.gif    Mixed difficulty_mixed.gif   

TitleDifficultyAddedPrevious ScorePlayedOptions

Brush Fibres 0001Brush Fibres 000101.02.09Login to play this quizPlay this quiz again

English Painters 0001English Painters 000101.02.09Login to play this quizPlay this quiz again

Sculpture Materials 0001Sculpture Materials 000101.02.09Login to play this quizPlay this quiz again

Shades of Pink 0001Shades of Pink 000101.02.09Login to play this quizPlay this quiz again

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